Britains Wealth Created From Slavery and Colonial Rape!

  • White Brits are racist to the core. Some hide it better than others. The higher up the class ladder you go the more calculating it becomes.
    I think some of the comments regarding Asian gangs and other negative connotations apply more to the Pakistanis more than the Indians. Their is a difference!
    What riles a white Brit more than anything is an intelligent and prosperous Indian/foreigner.
    At the end of the day we pay tax etc just like every other British citizen. So like every other British Citizen we are entitled to everything this country has to offer. Our money also keeps the economy going. After all the richest person in Britain is Indian.
    Most White Brits don't even know their own history. If they did they would understand why we are here and why things are the way they are! Maybe Eastenders and other White Brit TV garbage can incorporate some of this into its storylines!LOL
    What is worse than racist White Brit?
    A fellow Indian(s) who think they are white.

    Jay 12 jul 2008, 03:36 - Denunciar
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What do brits think about Indians..esp those in IT

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