The levels

  • The Russian educational system may be arranged into three major groups: secondary education, higher education and postgraduate education.

    [edit] Secondary school

    Secondary education in Russia takes either ten (skipping the 4th form) or eleven years to complete, depending on the school. After graduation from the 9th grade, which is compulsory for all Russian citizens, a pupil obtains a Certificate of Incomplete Secondary Education. After that a pupil has to choose one of the following ways to complete his secondary education: to continue education for two more years at the secondary school or to pursue an associate degree at a Tradesmen School. The latter variant usually takes three to four years to complete but provides a pupil with educational qualification that is sufficient for most blue-collar jobs.

    [edit] University
    Russia has more academic graduates than any other country in Europe
    Russia has more academic graduates than any other country in Europe

    After obtaining a Certificate of Complete Secondary Education a student can enter a University or an Institute (College). A student can choose a program of higher education with a duration of four to six years. There are three different degrees that are conferred by Russian universities: The first degree is the Bakalavr (Bachelor) degree. Bakalvr's programmes last for at least 4 years of full-time university-level study. The programmes are elaborated in accordance with the State Educational Standards which regulate almost 80% of their content. The other 20% are elaborated by the university itself. The programmes include professional and special courses in Science, the Humanities and Social-economic disciplines, professional training, completion of a research paper/project and passing State final exams. The Bakalavr's degree is awarded in all fields except Medicine after defending a Diploma project prepared under the guidance of a supervisor and passing the final exams. In Medicine, the first stage lasts for six years.

    Holders of the Bakalavr degree are admitted to enter the Specialist Diploma and Magistr's (Master's) degree programmes. The Magistr's (Master's) degree is awarded after successful completion of two years' full-time study. Students must carry out a year of research including practice and prepare and defend a thesis which constitutes an original contribution and sit for final examinations.

    Bakalavr's and Magistr's degrees were introduced relatively recently; they did not exist during the Soviet period.

    [edit] Post-graduate levels

    After obtaining a Specialist's or Master's Degree, a student may enter a university or a scientific institute to pursue postgraduate education. The first level of postgraduate education is aspirantura (аспирантура) that usually results in the Kandidat nauk degree (кандидат наук, Candidate of Sciences). The seeker should pass three exams (in his/her special field, in a foreign language of his/her choice, and in history and philosophy of science), publish at least three scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, write a dissertation and defend it. This degree is roughly equivalent to the Ph.D. in the United States.

    After graduation a student may continue postgraduate education. After several (2 to 4) years of study in doctorantura (докторантура), if they obtain important scientific results, publish them and write another thesis, the Doctor Nauk degree (доктор наук, Doctor of Sciences) can be awarded. Typically, the post-graduate works in the university or scientific institute while preparing their new thesis. The average time between obtaining Kandidat and Doctor degrees is roughly 10 years, and most of new Doctors are 40 and more years old. Only 1 in 4 Kandidats reaches this grade.

    A kandidat nauk may hold the position of Assistant Professor (Docent) in universities and of Researcher or Senior Researcher in a scientific institutes. Doctor Nauk can hold position of full Professor or Head of Laboratory.

    Granting of advanced degrees is overseen by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science.

    Jake 11 Apr 2008, 12:21 - Report
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Level of education in Russia

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