• Wow! Who knew there were so many vile and venomous people living in Kuwait? First of all, the same general theme seems to be repeating itself on this message board. Kuwaitis have big cars, big houses etc., is that all foreigners think about when they come here? I think not. I know many foreigners who have lived here their whole lives. Had children here and plan to retire here. I think most of the people complaining are the ones how came chasing the quick money and schemes that came with the invasion of Iraq. Guess what? Get rich quick schemes do not work.
    Everything was fine for you a few years ago when living here was cheap. Now that the situation has changed, everybody has started bitching. Why don’t you go live in Dubai I wonder? They have nightclubs, Alcohol, rampant prostitution, and best of all, almost no Arabs to be seen. Yet here you are still in Kuwait, eating the food, going to the malls, drinking prison toilet wine and marrying the first Phillapina waitress that bats her eyes at you at Chilies. Come on people wake up, you know you are not mad at the Kuwaitis who welcomed you into their country. Your mad at yourself for being a failure and can’t stand the idea of going back to the same miserable life you left in the first place. Showing up empty handed in front of family and friends is hard pill to swallow.
    To all the so-called Kuwaitis who posted here saying they hated Kuwait and everything in it, and that they were leaving Kuwait for good, I say good riddance. You are bitter because you never fit in the first place. Your background is probably of mixed origin. American/British Mother. Kuwaiti father. I have seen it many times before, in fact I am of mixed origin and proud of it. You probably cannot speak Arabic, which is a shame really, because it is now a very marketable skill to have, especially now that you live in New York or wherever (Karma). I have a feeling we will be seeing you all back here very soon, when you fall flat on your face and reality sets in. To all the expats that don’t want to be here, guess what, you can leave. We Kuwaitis like it here, it is our country and it is our home. We have been privileged enough not to have to leave our homes to find work. I think all the people bitching on this message board; give expats here a bad name. You are the few, and you besmirch the legitimate efforts of all the people who come here to work, leaving behind their families, children and friends to provide for them and give them a better life. The last thing I want to say to you all and it’s something I want you to remember…
    A proud Kuwaiti

    A proud Kuwaiti 03 Sep 2008, 04:06 - Report
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