Don't pass generalised statements

  • There is immense criticism on account of Kuwait -
    We can classify as below -
    1) Geographically - Nothing to watch, no sightseeing etc; this information can be found on internet very easily. one shouldn't critize on this point as no one can change a geographical setting.
    2) Harassment - I would request commentors to quote exact incidence as to what harrassment or abuse one hass experienced and not to pass generalised statements.

    There are people who speak without experiencing things. so please don't create false rumours and misguide people.
    If people seek advice, they need to know the basic things - Food, clothing, shelter and normal behavour of Kuwaitis (Ofcourse no one will disturb you unncessarily)

    Mr.XYZ 31 Jul 2008, 12:18 - Report
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