dont worry

  • I studied in Hungary for 7 months, it was hard to make friends Language ect Give it time, keep been friendly, they will get to like you slowly. I made a friend with a German guy his lover was Hungarian she became my friend then slowly her friends became my friends. Plus remember thye are just like the English, if they haven't traveled they have their small group of friends and are not looking to make new friends.
    Think about where you socialize, we used to all party on the danue on a tuseday night, prague at the weekend and vaci utca on thursday, great places but far too costly for Hungarian students to hang out at. If we invited them they declined, we thought they didn't want to be friends, realized this too late.

    Victoria 20 May 2008, 02:17 - Report
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Why is it so hard to make friends in Hungary?

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