A history Lesson

  • I am neither Greek nor Turk but I am a history Professor and I offer up this observation. The island will eventually be reunited. When that time comes what classically happens is that each side cares for its own. In order to appease the radicals on each side a sacrificial lamb is typically offered up. In the case of Cyprus everyone can rest assured the Greeks and the Turks will make sure their respective populations are okay. To appease any residual anger, outside groups will be made to pay for the sins of the locals.Based on how these conflicts typically play out, the Britons and other foreigners in Northern Cyprus will bear the brunt of the anger. They should expect to be dispossed of any property they own. Anyone interested in buying property in NC should bear this little history lesson in mind

    Thomas M 03 Jul 2009, 10:22 - Report
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