To Charlotte

  • Frist of all when uesing a comma that is this mark (,) you ues the word follow by a comma then a space then the next word like this. {Hi, French people dont like Americans, you people are very arrogant}and I uesed capital letters in both words French and Americans. Did see I also uesd a capital letter for your name. Charlotte I know you did at less collège (high school) but some how forgot to use the lager C for your own name or you were always dumb. You are right Americans are very arrogant just look at what I done to you. I have the arrogance to tell you that you dont know jack shit. Now that arrogant and what real funny is that I'm a bad speller but you know if I wrote this in French without the right verbs you would done the same thing to me. Insutled to the max for saying bad to the French in French. I have to ask you why did write any thing bad about Americans in English? It be like wise to live in hell because you were good. Dont go were you not welcome rude, stupid and dumbass Frenchy please go to hell. AS for what you think of Americans having orgys, sex, thing that are forbidden in your cinical country just were did you hear that. What are trying to say orgys is not sex? You list both as if the two are different. I geuss the French can have an orgys without sex and the French do have sex because you were born France. The French never have orgys? Did any one look up the etymology of the orgy? I did it was a word ues by the French frist then the English. The French spelling is orgie. Why did the French need this word frist could it be the French were doing things the chuch did not like and need a word to define this bad thing and came up with orgie then the French chuch add sex in the definition of orgie then the English pick up the word change it to orgy and keep the same definition. What do you mean by sex and thing? What thing? Sex haves a thing were it at or is it a dumb Frenchy can not write? You wrote sex,thing the comma is and. What you mean is orgys and sex is forbidden in our cinical country. No having sex is not forbidden in American as for orgys are also not forbidden. It is forbidden to have orgys and sex in public parks or any public places but that true of France. I have seen people have sex in public places the peoele though other did not see or thier did not care. I'm thinking that Frenchy did not give a dam who was looking. Charlotte in concision noting you said here that I see makes you look even half way good or smart so your a RUDE STUPID DUMBASS FRENCHY the only thing missing is your head in a basket. To all that read I can say she a dumbass Frenchy because my mother was born in France and I was also born in France that right I'm a half Frenchy and thank god half AMERICAN I take the right to say when the French screw up and tell the world of it. I will make fun of your way lifebecause I can.

    Ivan Abell aka Big Pain in Frenchy Ass THE COWBOY 16 nov 2008, 05:59 - Rapporteer misbruik
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French people are rude?

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