I'm looking for a guide

  • Hi,
    I'm looking for a guide for three friends of mine that are travelling to Argentina later this year. I expect them to be in Buenos Aries, and they will be wanting to experience strange things. Parties, festivals, odd customs, extreme sports etc. They are travelling right now, so it is unclear what exact dates they wil be there yet, but I will have more details later.

    Can anybody help?!

    12 sep 2007, 02:45 Jamie Jones
Estos foros han sido desactivados. Para publicar una nueva discusión, puedes visitar nuestro foro de Argentina.


  • guide in bs as!

    Hi jamie... jut in case... are you still looking for a guide for your friends?
    In that case, take a look on my site.
    regards, Walton

    Walton 31 oct 2007, 03:08 - Denunciar
Estos foros han sido desactivados. Para publicar una nueva discusión, puedes visitar nuestro foro de Argentina.