Interview technique & business etiquette

A general guide

Interview technique & business etiquette

If you are invited to an interview, or are holding or participating in a business meeting this next section will explain how you should act in this high-pressure environment.

Interview resumes

Do not be alarmed if on interview you are asked to bring an interview resume. An interview resume consists of a three page document that lists your qualifications and work experience which should expand on previous jobs in greater depth than your CV does. 

You may also be asked to state the salary that you expect of the position. You should also attach a professional-looking passport-sized photograph of yourself to the top right hand corner of the interview resume. 

Interview and business etiquette

The following etiquette standards are general, unspoken rules which may vary from situation to situation and must not be taken as a rule of thumb. 

  • Chinese woman do not shake hands, but if a Chinese woman does shake your hand, do not refuse it.
  • Address your interviewer by his surname. First names are not usually used in a formal setting and you shouldn’t suggest that the person should call you by your first name, as it is seen as impolite.
  • Elderly people should be addressed before all others as a sign of respect.
  • As a general rule, the Taiwanese require a large area of personal space. You should give them this space by staying at arm's length from other people and never touch a person unless you are invited to.
  • It will be well received if you give your interviewer a sincere compliment, but if the complement is returned you should deny it in a polite manner.
  • You should be on time for your interview, but do not be surprised if your interviewer arrives a little later than scheduled.
  • A slight bow is the traditional way to greet someone, but a handshake may also be used to greet you. Make sure that you shake hands lightly, a firm grip will not be taken well.
  • Show that you are willing to work hard and long hours.
  • People in Taiwan prefer modesty, so try not to boast.
  • Unless your employer mentions it, do not talk about salary expectations.
  • Do not mention touchy subjects such as politics or religion in China.
  • Dress in a formal manner.
  • If the interviewer hands you a business card, accept it with both hands, study the content. Never write on the business card as it is seen as rude.
  • The soles of your shoes should not show when you are sitting down.
  • Pointing is regarded as rude, so try to avoid doing so.

Further reading

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