Housing glossary

Some important Indonesian terms you must know

Housing glossary

When purchasing a new property, some key terms will help in your search. 

Akta Jual-Beli: Selling/Buying agreement

Alang-alang: Thatched Roof

Almat: Address

Air Panad: Hot water

Are (arra) 1 Are=100 msq: Are is the normal unit for buying/leasing land in Indonesia

Aspek Penatagunaan Tanah: Gvt approval document on land development

Gang: Alley or lane

Hak Guna Bangunan (HGB): Right of use for building

Hak Guna Pakai: Right to use

Hak Milik: Right of Ownership

Harga: Price

Kamar Mandi: Bathroom

Kamar Tidur: Bedroom

Kolam Renang: Swimming Pool

Listrik: Electric, 4,400 watts is normal for a small villa and 7,ooo plus for a large villa

Luas: Size

Masa Kontrak: Lease period

Nama Wajib Pajak: Individual responsible for paying property tax.

Pajak: Tax

Pajak Bumi & Bangunan (PBB): Building and land tax.

Pemilik: Owner

Rumah: House

Saksi: Witness

Satpam: Security guard

Surat Perjanjian: Letter of Agreement

Surat Pernyataan: Statement Letter

Tanda Terima: Receipt

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