Looking for international audiovisual business partner

  • Our company is looking for international partners regarding audiovisual production, marketing and advertising. Our services include photographic production, retouching, designing, editing, pre-press and print production. We are related to fashion and food industry but we are open to other sectors such as tourism, architecture and building, telecommunications, etc. We are located at Andalucia, Spain, please take a look at our webpage: www.outsidepx.com

    26 Mär 2008, 11:00 Francisco
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  • Require more information


    I am based in UK and am very interested in the business opportunity. Can you give me some more information on waht you have in mind.


    Aqeel 03 Jun 2008, 01:58 - Verstoß melden
  • business opportunity

    HI ,Am an Indian having over 30 years old Chemical Engineering educated , Experince in Pharma Bulk Drug 'Formulations,Beverages Ind ,Forging,Edible Oil refining Extraction,refining,Fabrication field,Caustic Soda Project,Syethetic Sweetners,Hotel.Hospital,Bulding construction,Valves Manufacturing& Marketing,Robotic Machining plant experineces &worked for GTL Qater Gas Projects(HyundaiHeavy Industries Ltd Project controller Qater Shell Project) having NOC seek finacialy sound partner or Company having already business in Middle East, Also worked as General Manager.Deputy General Manager(Operations) Executive Director in Indian Companies seek immediate opening as senior partner or empolyee.Good for arranging Oil and gas agencie arround the world for the Oil and Gas in middle east companies custodians. contact on my Moble No 0091 9892411864,Suresh,Bombay India
    write to me in my email : [email removed]

    Web Page : Delta Tech Business&Engineering Consultants (Google search )


    Delta Tech
    Delta Tech

    Delta Tech 08 Okt 2008, 04:50 - Verstoß melden
  • PA ( Public Address) systems wanting partners in UK / Europe

    Representation of a well established PA / Audio Visual product range that has been successful in China and most recently at the Beijing Olympics. Now seeking greater distribution across Europe. For more information please contact Robert ( [email removed] ).

    Robert W 25 Dez 2008, 02:22 - Verstoß melden
  • Seeking business Investor in media

    Seeking business Investor in media

    I need investors who invest your money (40 Mill US$) in media (24 hr Hindi news channel) at India. If any person interested in invest your money in this type projects. Then send me your profile on my email. (Only financially sound person are invited).
    [email removed].
    Time wasters & schemers please excuse.

    akhilesh chandra 12 Mai 2009, 09:26 - Verstoß melden
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