British TV in Germany

  • I came over 6 months ago and was looking for some UK TV channels to receive in my apartment. Cable operators only provide some News channels. My landlord could not help me, but the www did. I found the guys from and they put up a satellite dish for me. I have enjoyed BBC, ITV and movie channels for a few months. It did cost only the installation and no monthly subscription bills.
    I think thats great service. Having entertainment while being far from home.

    17 Mär 2009, 11:27 Carlos
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  • What do they speak?

    I am thinking about getting in touch with them. But that seems to be a german company. Do the speak English or any elseß

    Britta 28 Mär 2009, 10:38 - Verstoß melden
  • Language

    Oh, just came along again and read your question:
    They speak German, but some English as well. It was ok to make the deal finally

    Carlos 08 Apr 2009, 09:36 - Verstoß melden
  • sky/freesat british tv

    Hi guys check out this company there great there british run and install and supply all over germany. Best price for sure!!!

    Adam 16 Apr 2009, 06:02 - Verstoß melden
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